Mosquito bites

Mosquito bites

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Mosquito bites can be bumpy, itchy and even infected in rare instances. After a mosquito bite, the area forms an itchy bump that might turn red. Most do not experience any reaction at all while some end up with a severe allergic reaction.

If mosquito bites become infected, it can become significantly swollen, warm to the touch and reddened. In most instances, an infected bite must be checked by a doctor. A special cream might be given. Even though rare, it can progress to an abscess or cellulitis if not treated.

Management of mosquito bites

For mosquito bites, there are measures that can help lower the risk for infection.

Mosquito bites
Remember that scratching only provides momentary relief to the itchiness and doing so excessively can damage the skin.
  • At first, avoid scratching the sites of the mosquito bites. Remember that scratching only provides momentary relief to the itchiness and doing so excessively can damage the skin. Once there is skin damage, bleeding occurs and increases the likelihood for infection.
  • Application of anti-itch lotions can lessen the itchiness of mosquito bites. Those that contain diphenhydramine, calamine or hydrocortisone are highly effective.
  • The application of a cold compress or ice pack can lessen the itchiness. The cold works by constricting the blood vessels in the site which blocks the flow of blood to and from the bite. Apply this pack for 15 minutes at a time.
  • Homemade paste made of meat tenderizer that contains papain or baking soda. Mix with water to create a paste. Apply on the site of the mosquito bites and reapply if needed until the itchiness settles.
  • Lastly, provide oral antihistamines for serious allergic reactions to mosquito bites. The commonly used include those that contain diphenhydramine, cetirizine, loratadine or chlorpheniramine maleate.


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