Potential complications of vein ablation

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Vein ablation for varicose veins is highly effective but can lead to certain complications. It is important to note that varicose veins can be defacing and distressing for both women and men, but more prevalent among women. The condition arises once the valves and walls of the veins in the legs, feet and ankle weaken, leading to distended and twisted veins that protrude from the skin surface.

Varicose veins are generally asymptomatic and only an aesthetic issue for some individuals while others suffer from painful aching, burning, itchiness and bleeding symptoms.


A vein ablation procedure utilizing laser can be painful and typically carried out under local anesthesia. Nevertheless, once the numbing effect wears out right after treatment, there is pain, burning and achiness in the affected leg for a few days or longer.

In some cases, there is brief loss of sensation due to the impaired nerves along the site of the treated vein.

A vein ablation procedure utilizing laser can be painful and typically carried out under local anesthesia.

Bleeding and bruising after vein ablation

The ablation procedures for varicose veins include the endovenous laser treatment (EVLT). Even though some treatments aim on smaller varicose veins from above the skin, this is slightly invasive.

This vein ablation procedure involves the creation of a small-sized slit in the leg to allow the insertion of a catheter that is eased into the affected vein. This catheter generates laser energy that scars and covers the affected vein. The sealed vein is taken out in a passive manner by the body after a few weeks.

These procedures can result to bleeding and bruising at the site of incision and throughout the vein that was treated. The bleeding from the incision site will not last longer than 30 minutes or more but bruising can last for several weeks.


A vein ablation procedure can result to scarring. It is important to note that there is a small risk for scarring at the site of incision where the catheter was inserted into the leg.

For surface laser procedures, there is a potential for minor to moderate burns and scarring where the laser heat penetrated the skin to reach the vein.

Possibility for recurrence

A vein ablation procedure involving lasers might require additional treatment if the affected veins were not fully removed in one treatment.

The endovenous laser therapy has the possibility for recurrence of only 5% while the surface treatment that utilize low-energy laser to avoid skin damage has a higher rate of recurrence and might require further treatment.

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