Heart attack: Signs of heart blockage

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Heart attack occurs due to the lack of blood supply to the heart. It is vital that you are familiar with the early indications. Remember that it can arise as various symptoms and necessitates immediate medical care.

What are the usual warning signs?

The usual indications of coronary artery disease which is responsible for blocking the blood flow to the heart include:

  • Crushing chest pressure
  • Pain radiating down the left arm and jaw
  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue

Is there partial blockage?

In most adults especially women, the signs of a heart attack linked with blockage of blood to the heart might be confused with indigestion and other health issues.

If the coronary arteries are partially blocked, it can still provide minimal blood supply to the heart, thus the signs are confused with indigestion, shortness of breath or muscle pain.

If the coronary arteries are partially blocked, it can still provide minimal blood supply to the heart, thus the signs are confused with indigestion, shortness of breath or muscle pain.

Since the blood supply is not fully obstructed, the symptoms might frequently subside and return after some time. In case there is full blockage of blood to the heart, immediate medical care is needed. Once the flow of blood to the heart stops, the heart muscle starts to die, resulting to permanent damage.

Signs of heart blockage in women

Even though many are familiar with the signs of heart attack among men, the signs among women are not often interpreted correctly.

Many women do not experience the intense, crushing pressure that occurs among men. Instead, they experience indigestion, nausea, gas and vomiting that can last for days, weeks and even months.

The signs might arise and settle on their own, thus it is mistaken as a different condition and medical care is not pursued. Women who face a high risk for heart disease or has a family history must seek prompt medical care if any unexplained symptoms are present.

Quick Note / Disclaimer

The material posted on this page on heart attack is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to recognize the signs of heart blockage, register for a first aid and CPR course with Victoria First Aid.

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