Preparation for a blizzard

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In a yearly basis, blizzards can cause a variety of problems that includes power shortage and inaccessible terrain and roads. During a blizzard, the temperature can drastically drop and you will surely end up stuck at home until the weather eventually clears up. For those who reside in areas prone to blizzards, being prepared with some essential items before a blizzard strikes can help avoid any problems as well as keeping everybody safe.

Essentials during a blizzard

You have to prepare these essentials before a blizzard strikes to prevent any problems as well as ensure the safety of the family members.

Food and water

When gathering supplies for an upcoming blizzard, you have to keep a supply of drinking water that can last for three days. Always make sure that every individual has one gallon of water every day. You should also have a supply of non-perishable food that can last for three days for the entire family. Make sure that the foods stored will not require a lot of preparation since there might be a power shortage during a blizzard. If there are pets, you should also store a three-day supply of pet food as well.

Staying warm

Always make sure that everybody has a warm winter coat, mittens or gloves, hats, waterproof boots and extra blankets.

Always make sure that everybody has a warm winter coat, mittens or gloves, hats, waterproof boots and extra blankets. If possible, you should have an alternative heating source such as a coal or wood burning stove or a fireplace. Just make sure that there is proper ventilation if these heating sources are used in order to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Additionally, install carbon monoxide alarms in key locations in the house for the safety of the family.

First aid kit and personal items

Having a first aid kit will surely come in handy during a blizzard. The kit must contain all the essential first aid items just to be prepared in case of injuries. If a family member has medications, make sure that there is a supply of these medications that can last for seven days. Always have medical items that the family uses such as glasses, hearing aids, canes, syringes and contact lenses.

There should also be a supply of personal hygiene and sanitation items that can last for a week. In case there is a baby, stock up on bottles, diapers, formula and baby food that can last for a week. As for pets, make sure that they have a leash, carrier and bowl.

Other essential items

You should always keep several flashlights with extra batteries at home. It is important to be updated with the latest news regarding the weather by buying a battery-powered radio. It is also vital to provide copies of personal documents such as birth certificates, passports, insurance policies and lease or deed on a home.

Make sure that you will buy an all-purpose tool and other supplies for securing your house if needed. You should also keep a stash of extra money in case of emergencies. Do not forget to store rock salt that can be used to make the walkways and paths safer to walk on.

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