Rocky Mountain spotted fever

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Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a condition that can be acquired from a tick bite. Oftentimes, it can cause a serious ailment and can be deadly. Once the condition is suspected, immediate treatment is vital.

What is the cause?

The infection is brought about the Rickettsia rickettsia bacteria. It can spread via a bite from a carrier tick. In addition, it can also spread if exposed to a crushed tick or its feces.

What are the signs?

The initial indications of Rocky Mountain spotted fever generally include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
    Rocky Mountain spotted fever
    A few days after, rashes might form on the forearms, wrists and ankles that appear pinkish or reddish and spotted.
  • Fever
  • Muscle pain
  • Intense headache
  • Poor appetite

A few days after, rashes might form on the forearms, wrists and ankles that appear pinkish or reddish and spotted. In some cases, it might include joint pain, abdominal pain and diarrhea. The rash can spread to the palms of the hands, trunk, soles of the feet and abdomen.

Management of Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Hospitalization is necessary when treating Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Antibiotics are typically prescribed to eliminate the bacteria. The treatment for the symptoms might include intravenous fluids and pain medications. Remember that the disease will not spread from one individual to another.

If treated with antibiotics during the initial 4-5 days of the infection, the fever and other symptoms typically subside after 2-3 days. In case the individual is seriously sick or been sick for some time before treatment is started, the recovery might be longer. If not promptly treated, the condition can be deadly.

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