Sore trapezius muscle: What are the usual causes?

Sore trapezius muscle: What are the usual causes?

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The trapezius muscle is a pair of large-sized triangular muscles that extend over the shoulders and rear part of the neck. Generally, the muscle has a role in one’s posture and can be affected by it. Due to its location, it consequently triggers headaches, stiff neck and even migraine headaches.

Usual causes of a sore trapezius muscle


In general, traumatic injury including whiplash can result to a sore trapezius muscle. In injuries where the head snaps backwards and forwards, there is strain on the trapezius muscles which results to neck pain.

Carrying a heavy backpack places extra pressure on the trapezius muscle which leads to soreness.

The posture of the individual at the time of injury influences how the muscle is affected. If the individual has a correct posture, the muscle is unlikely to be affected since the stabilization scheme of the body reacts rapidly and efficiently.

Stress or tension

In addition, stress and tension can trigger the tightening of the trapezius muscle which result to soreness and pain.

The trapezius muscle becomes tight as a reaction to the stress and triggers neck or shoulder pain and even a headache. The trigger spots might arise in the muscle amidst the shoulder blades. This pain or discomfort often has a link with stress, mental strain and anxiety.

Backpack use

Carrying a heavy backpack places extra pressure on the trapezius muscle which leads to soreness. Using a backpack or purse over one shoulder places additional strain on the muscle as well. Alternate shoulders when using a purse and wear a backpack in the right manner to lessen the stress on the muscle.

Computer work

Working in a computer for prolonged periods of time can strain the trapezius muscle which results to soreness of the muscle and even headaches. Pain in the muscle along the rear part of the neck is due to working in a sitting position in front of a computer.

Repetitive stress injury

This can lead to the tightening of the trapezius muscle or cause knots. This is a condition that exerts excess stress on a muscle or joint.

More Information / Disclaimer

The information posted on this page on a sore trapezius muscle is for learning purposes only. Learn more about the usual causes by taking a standard first aid course with Victoria First Aid.


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