What are the complications of adult chickenpox?

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Chickenpox is basically an infectious disease caused by the varicella zoster virus. Take note that this is the same virus responsible for causing shingles among adults. The condition is considered highly communicable and can easily spread through direct contact or through the air once an infected individual sneezes or coughs.

An individual with chickenpox is contagious 1-2 days before the appearance of the rash until all the blisters have formed crusts. Even with a single dose of chickenpox vaccination, a small percentage can still get infected if exposed to the virus. Although chickenpox among adults rarely leads to any serious complication, it can lead to pneumonia, bacterial skin infections and even encephalitis in some cases. A doctor must be consulted as soon as possible if an individual is suspected with the symptoms of chickenpox.


It is important to note that adults who have chickenpox face the risk of developing pneumonia. This is a respiratory condition that can lead to the inflammation in the lungs. Those who smoke, pregnant women, those who have respiratory conditions and those who have weakened immune systems face the highest risk for developing pneumonia.

The usual symptoms of pneumonia include fever, chills, cough and difficulty breathing.

Pneumonia that is caused by chickenpox can develop as a bacterial infection of the lungs. It can also occur directly as a result of the varicella zoster virus that causes chickenpox. The usual symptoms of pneumonia include fever, chills, cough and difficulty breathing. The symptoms of this type of infection can be properly managed as long as you will register for first aid training today.

Bacterial skin infections

The group A streptococcus bacteria is responsible for causing bacterial super infection on the skin and considered as the most prevalent complication of chickenpox among adults. Take note that these infections are typically mild in nature. Nevertheless, if the bacteria start to spread to the deep muscles, fat or the bloodstream, it is considered as a dangerous condition. The usual symptoms of these bacterial skin infections include persistent high fever, pain, redness or inflammation in the skin and tissues beneath the skin.


Encephalitis is considered as a rare but serious complication due to adult chickenpox. This involves the irritation and inflammation of the brain that can occur as a secondary infection. The virus in this circumstance can spread to the brain, resulting to swelling in the brain tissues, brain damage and even bleeding in the brain. The symptoms of encephalitis include unsteady gait, clumsiness, confusion, poor balance, loss of coordination and disorientation.

If an individual acquires chickenpox, it is best to have the condition properly assessed so that a definitive diagnosis can be made. Once it is confirmed as chickenpox, the appropriate treatment options can be started in order to prevent any of the possible complications from developing.

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