What are the indications of rabies?

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Rabies is considered as a life-threatening condition that leads to the destruction of the central nervous system that is comprised of the spinal cord and the brain. Always bear in mind that the virus responsible for causing rabies can develop if the individual has been bitten by an animal that was infected by the virus such as dogs, bats, raccoons and skunks.

The indications of rabies can develop abruptly after sustaining an animal bite and can cause death within a few days after the symptoms start. If the individual sustains any form of animal bite, it is vital to seek immediate medical attention.

Twitching or tingling sensation

One of the usual symptoms of rabies is the twitching or tingling sensation that develops on the skin that surrounds the site of the animal bite. Always bear in mind that these symptoms can range from mild to moderate or uncomfortable and entail immediate medical care in order to prevent the symptoms from progressing.

Flu-like symptoms

During the initial stages of the infection, the individual can develop general flu-like symptoms due to rabies. These symptoms include nausea, fatigue, headache, diminished appetite or body aches.

During the initial stages of the infection, the individual can develop general flu-like symptoms due to rabies. These symptoms include nausea, fatigue, headache, diminished appetite or body aches. There are some individuals who experience sore throat or cough due to rabies. As the infection progresses, the flu-like symptoms become severe and allow other symptoms to develop.


The spread of rabies all over the body can allow other symptoms to develop such as muscle weakness. The individual might be unable to utilize certain muscles or start to suffer from erratic muscle spasms all over the body.

Some individuals can end up with seizures or muscular convulsions. Remember that these symptoms can drastically affect the ability of the individual to move about in a normal manner and can continue to worsen as the infection persists.

Changes in the mood or behavior

There are evident changes in the mood or behavior in an individual who has been infected by rabies. Always bear in mind that rabies can lead to confusion or unusual hallucinations that can cause irritability, aggression or agitation. These symptoms occur due to the faulty nerve signaling in between the brain and body that is caused by the virus.

Increased production of saliva

Rabies is capable of triggering increased salivation in some individuals as a symptom. The individual starts to foam or drool at the mouth especially during the advanced stage of the infection.

Take note that the increase in the production of saliva can disrupt with the ability of the individual to speak normally or swallow, thus resulting to breathing difficulties. There is also increased tear production that can cause the eyes to turn red or watery. These are the observable symptoms during the advanced stages of the viral infection.

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