How to deal with tick infestation

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Always bear in mind that ticks thrive in different parts of the globe and simply wait to drop from trees to bite unsuspecting animals and humans. The tick bites are not only an annoyance and painful, but capable of causing inflammation, transmit microorganisms that can cause deadly diseases as well as secondary infections. If a tick infestation is discovered early and the proper steps have been carried out to manage it, severe health risks can be prevented.

Tick removal

Careful attention must be observed when removing ticks in order to prevent the mouth parts of the tick from breaking off and remaining in the skin. Remember that this can drastically increase the risk for infection.

You can utilize a fine-point tweezers during the removal. Hold the mouth of the tick right above the surface of the skin and pull it out using gentle, smooth pressure. Just be careful not to crush or puncture the body of the tick since this increases the risk for infection. After the tick is removed, thoroughly cleanse the bite site using water and soap.

Alternative removal techniques

Tick infestation
If a tick infestation is discovered early and the proper steps have been carried out to manage it, severe health risks can be prevented.

The use of a hot needle, turpentine, alcohol or kerosene to relax the mouth of the tick before it is removed using tweezers. Just remember though that these methods are considered ineffective and potentially harmful.

Removal of ticks from pets

Using tweezers also work well when removing ticks from pets. When it comes to pets that are heavily infested, they should be treated with chemical products. There are various species of ticks that thrive in different parts of the globe. With this in mind, a veterinarian should be consulted so that the suitable product can be given.

There are also pet collars that work by slowly releasing tick pesticides. These are suitable options for controlling ticks in areas that have dense tick populations.

Removal of ticks from the house

Always bear in mind that ticks lay eggs in small-sized crevices, cracks, inside furniture or under carpets, thus it can be a challenge to completely eliminate them. These potential “hot spots” should be sprayed with cyflurin or carbaryl. Carpets and rugs must be treated using a pesticide dust.

You can also utilize a tick pesticide fogger that contains permethrin or methoprene in order to thoroughly disinfect the house. The best way to prevent re-infestation is to remove the ticks from the house at the same time they are removed from animals and humans.

How to control ticks outside the house

The best way to limit exposure to ticks is to closely cut down grass, shrubs and other low-lying plants surrounding the house. Spray a residual insecticide around the perimeter of the house. It is vital to completely eliminate ticks outside, thus it is important to use proper clothing and carefully check for ticks after spending time outdoors in areas where ticks are at high risk.

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