What is a systemic reaction?

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A systemic reaction occurs once inflammation radiates from a localized site to other body systems. The soreness can stem from allergies, toxins or infections.


What are the usual causes?


Anaphylaxis is a systemic reaction linked to allergies. This arises once an allergic reaction affects several bodily systems.

In most cases, the respiratory or circulatory system are involved in addition to the skin. Remember that anaphylactic shock is a dangerous, systemic reaction defined by an abrupt drop in the blood pressure.


If a bacterial infection progresses into a full-body failure of the organs, it is called as sepsis. It is important to note that sepsis generally starts as a typical infection with the usual signs. Over time, sepsis progresses and includes other symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, confusion, absence of fever and eventually low blood pressure.


The presence of toxins or poisons often result to localized swelling or rashes. Nevertheless, if acquired in the bloodstream or transported all over the body, some toxins can trigger reactions in distant areas from where the substance entered the body.

One example is carbon monoxide which triggers symptoms all over the body such as confusion, fatigue, headaches, weakness and nausea. In severe cases, this type of poisoning can turn the skin excessively red.

Management of a systemic reaction

Always bear in mind that there is no precise treatment for a systemic reaction. It is typically based on the form of reaction.

It is vital to recognize a systemic reaction rapidly and seek medical care. Take note that not all systemic reactions are dangerous but if an infection or substance affects several organ systems at the same time, the outcome might not be a good one.

If an individual is suspected with a systemic reaction, a doctor should be seen right away or call for emergency assistance.

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