What to do for rashes due to belly fat?

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It is a known fact that rashes can occur for various reasons especially in regions where there is a lot of warmth and moisture. The presence of excess fat or skin can create skin folds which provide the ideal environment for the development of rashes. Depending on the type of rash that develops, there are treatment options that will only worsen the rash and even cause it to spread to other parts of the body.

Belly fat can trigger the development of rashes since the skin folds over other areas of the skin creates a moist and warm environment for bacteria, yeast and fungus to thrive. Medically, this condition is called as intertrigo which is considered quite common among obese and overweight individuals. Take note that the rashes created by the skin folds can become severe that they can cause permanent damage to the skin tissues.

What are the effects?

Intertrigo can cause the skin to turn reddish, scaly, itchy and dry.

Intertrigo can cause the skin to turn reddish, scaly, itchy and dry. In some cases, the affected skin can even crack open and bleed. Depending on the type of rash caused by the skin folds, the individual can end up with rashes in small-sized patches or the rash can cover the whole length of the skin fold. In case the rash becomes severe, it can even burrow deep beneath the skin, affecting both the outer and internal layers of the skin tissue. If you want to learn how to manage this rash, click here.

Possible causes

It is important to note that the skin folds can hold moisture, fungus and bacteria which can progress into a bacterial infection such as atopic dermatitis or a fungal infection such as athlete’s foot or a yeast infection. The individual can also suffer from contact allergic dermatitis by using a particular soap, body spray or lotion. In some cases, folliculitis can also develop in which the ingrown hairs develop under the skin fold.


Some forms of rashes such as atopic dermatitis tends to clear up on its own with modifications to the hygiene measures and wearing suitable clothing. By keeping the affected area clean and dry, it will help guarantee that the rash will clear up. Overly tight clothing that does not allow the skin to breathe and traps moisture should be avoided.

The individual should also avoid using body sprays and lotions that might be responsible for causing the rashes. In some cases, conditions such as athlete’s foot or yeast infection can be managed with over-the-counter anti-fungal creams, but a doctor should be consulted first.

Considerations to bear in mind

If the affected area is dry and clean at all times and the necessary changes have been carried out but the rashes are still present, it would require prescription-strength medications.

Remember not to allow the rashes to spread deeper into the underlying skin tissues since this can cause deep scar tissue. The individual must be instructed not to scratch the rash. In case the rash is due to a fungal or bacterial infection, the infection can become embedded beneath the fingernails which can spread to other parts of the body that has been touched.

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