How to effectively manage prickly heat

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Prickly heat or heat rash tends to occur in warm, humid environments. The indications of prickly heat include the formation of large areas of reddened skin or rash. The rashes linked with prickly heat tend to vary and can include small clear blisters, flesh colored elevated bumps or red-colored bumps.

Take note that the rashes can become itchy and develops due to blocked sweat ducts. Newborns and those engaging in physical activities during warm weather face the highest risk for developing this skin condition. You can enroll in a first aid class today to learn ways on how to minimize the discomfort caused by the skin condition.

Cool environment

Prickly heat
It is recommended to transfer to a cool environment to help manage prickly heat.

It is recommended to transfer to a cool environment to help manage prickly heat. A cool room with fans or an air-conditioned room can help minimize the sweating. This is considered as the only form of treatment required for minor cases of prickly heat. Those who have prickly heat should dress in lightweight, loose clothing made out cotton in order to stay cool all day long.

Avoiding the potential irritants

Individuals who are prone to prickly heat should avoid using products as well as conditions that can worsen the prickly heat. Take note that the condition will typically go away in about a week unless there is an additional irritant that is present. Those who are suffering from prickly heat should avoid wearing constricted clothing that can irritate the skin.

When bathing using mild soap, the individual must air dry the body and avoid using a towel to dry off. Take note that there are some lotions, creams and ointments that can further clog up the pores and sweat glands. These products can also retain the heat in the skin, thus worsening the skin condition.

Topical treatments

You can apply creams and powders on the skin to help reduce the symptoms linked with prickly heat. Powders such as baby powder or talcum can help keep the skin dry as well as ease the discomfort experienced by the individual.

Calamine lotion can also help reduce the itchiness. In some cases, topical steroids can help reduce the reaction in the skin such as redness but will not cool the skin. The application of lanolin can smooth the skin to help prevent the sweat ducts from clogging up and reduce the formation of new lesions that form on the skin.

Oral antibiotics

The rashes caused by prickly heat can become itchy and uncomfortable. When the skin is scratched, sores can develop. Dirt or bacteria that might be present under the fingernails can enter the open sores during scratching. Once the bacteria were introduced into the wound, there is a possibility that infection can develop. This would usually require treatment with the help of oral antibiotics.

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