Lateral foot pain: What are the possible causes?

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Various conditions can trigger lateral foot pain. It is important to note that the lateral aspect of the foot or side that faces away from the body is composed of muscles, bones, tendons and connective tissue.

The lateral foot is a usual site for foot pain. The lateral foot pain ranges from minor to severe, depending on the precise cause and site of the issue. Various types of tissues might be considered as pain generators in the lateral foot.

Close look on the usual causes of lateral foot pain

Tarsal coalition

The tarsal coalition is an atypical bony, fibrous or cartilaginous connection or bridge amidst 2 tarsal bones. This condition can trigger lateral foot pain.

Generally, tarsal coalition develops during fetal growth which causes the tarsal bones to incorrectly form. Other likely causes include inflammatory joint diseases, infection and previous trauma in the affected area.

Aside from lateral foot pain, other symptoms include leg muscle spasms, leg fatigue, flat feet, ankle rigidity and evident limp during gait.

Aside from lateral foot pain, other symptoms include leg muscle spasms, leg fatigue, flat feet, ankle rigidity and evident limp during gait. The reduced active range of motion in the affected segments is another indication linked with this condition.

Cuboid syndrome

Cuboid syndrome also causes lateral foot pain. The syndrome arises if the peroneus longus muscle in the leg places excess traction on the cuboid bone which causes it to partly dislocate.

The condition is characterized by lateral foot pain when engaging in weight bearing activities along with an ankle inversion sprain and evident overpronation of the ankles and feet.

Inversion sprain

An ankle inversion sprain is also known to cause lateral foot pain. The injury involves damage to the anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments on the exterior aspect of the ankle.

The severity of damage varies for everyone depending on the forces involved in the injury. In some cases, the damaged ligaments and connective tissues are mildly stretched while some cases involve partial or full tearing.

Aside from the lateral foot pain, other symptoms present include a perceivable popping or snapping at the time of injury and difficulty bearing weight on the injured ankle. The primary treatment for the injury includes rest, application of ice, compression and elevation to lessen the pain and swelling during the initial 24-48 hours after injury.

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