Sinus pressure: What are the indications?

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Sinus pressure is the usual outcome of nasal congestion due to common cold or allergies. It is important to note that the sinus cavity is composed of several chambers that are coated with soft tissues that purify the air before moving into the lungs.

Once the sinus tissue is irritated, it responds with excess production of mucus and swelling. As the sinuses becomes swollen, they limit normal drainage of mucus and produce pressure that can affect almost any area in the head.

Headaches from sinus pressure

A headache triggered by sinus pressure is generally a dull, throbbing sensation deep inside the face.

A headache triggered by sinus pressure is generally a dull, throbbing sensation deep inside the face. In most cases, the headache is felt behind the eyes or nose and sensitive to touch.

A headache brought about by sinus pressure worsens if bending over or getting up quickly. A sinus headache typically starts upon waking and subsides as the day progresses. The treatment includes decongestants such as phenylephrine and pain medications.

Blurry vision

One of the biggest sinus cavities is positioned directly behind the eyes. A usual indication of sinus pressure is blurry vision. Nevertheless, if the vision is blurred and accompanied by lightheadedness, seek medical care since it might be linked to another condition.

The eyes might also become sensitive to touch if there is sinus pressure. Seeing floaters, light bursts or stars might also arise due to excessive pressure. In case the floaters persist for more than 24 hours, especially after treatment of sinus pressure, consult a doctor.

Tooth pain

It is important to note that the sinuses are positioned directly above the roof of the mouth. Once the pressure builds up in the sinuses, it will start to involve the roots of the upper teeth.

The pain in the tooth might feel as a common toothache with sharp pain and throbbing. Generally, tooth pain linked with sinus pressure arises abruptly and makes the teeth sensitive.

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