Prevention of blisters

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Blisters have been an issue for those who engage in walking and running. You can easily prevent blisters and treat them properly to prevent further damage. There are a number of proven techniques and products that can keep the feet intact or to help reduce the pain and heal the condition.


Always bear in mind that blisters tend to develop in areas where rubbing from socks and shoes causes tearing of the skin. By lubricating the feet, it can help reduce the friction and prevent the development of blisters. There are a number of simple lubricants such as liquid silicone, petroleum jelly or powdered silicone.

Always keep the feet dry

Blisters have been an issue for those who engage in walking and running.

Wet skin is prone to the development of tears or wounds, thus increasing the risk for the formation of blisters. By wicking away sweat and keeping the feet dry, it can effectively prevent the formation of blisters. You can place cornstarch inside the socks or even utilize an antiperspirant on the feet to keep them dry. Socks that are made out of moisture-wicking fabric are suitable in preventing moisture from accumulating in the skin.

Utilize cover ups

In case an area is already developing a hot spot or blister, covering the area with a blister pad is an effective approach. There are various products that work effectively as well as provide moist protection. In addition, they can promote proper healing before or after a blister develops.

Blister kits

It is best that the individual is prepared at all times. Before heading out for a long walk or run, always bring along a blister kit so that he/she is ready to cover up any hot spots or deal with any developing blisters. You can easily find a variety of compact kits available in the market that offers everything that you need and portable.

Treating a blister

The initial step in treating a blister is to apply a cover-up at the first sign of a hot spot on the feet. In case the individual goes too far or the blister pops out, there are measures that you have to do to prevent the risk for infection.

Using the right shoes

In some cases, the shoes used by the individual might be responsible for the friction. Remember that the toes require enough space for it to expand as the feet swells to a full size during a walk. The individual should ensure that his/her walking shoes correctly fit.


If the individual has not changed shoes, but changed to a new arch support or insole, it might be responsible for the blisters. The individual should try walking with or without using the insert, insole or arch support. Take note that the insoles can take up the space in the shoe for the toes and foot, thus resulting to the development of blisters.

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