What are the possible dangers of electric blankets?

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When the winter season arrives, there are many ways in order to stay warm. Electric blankets have been used since they can provide fast warmth and comfort during the cold season. Many have been using electric blankets during the winter season for the warmth that they provide. Electric blankets can help save money compared to turning up the heat once the temperate drops, but there are possible dangers that you should be aware of. Using an electric blanket based on the instructions of the manufacturer will reduce the risk for injuries as well as other dangers.


In most cases, overheating the body using an electric blanket is one of the risks, especially those who have diabetes and other health issues. An individual with diabetes might have insensitivity to the heat produced by the blanket, thus it is difficult to tell if the blanket is too warm. The lack of sensation can lead to burns in extreme cases. By enrolling in a first aid class, you can learn how to handle burn injuries.

Take note that overheating the body when a woman is pregnant is also another concern when it comes to electric blankets. The elevated core body temperature can cause harm to the fetus especially during the first trimester.

Electric blanket
An individual with diabetes might have insensitivity to the heat produced by the blanket, thus it is difficult to tell if the blanket is too warm. The lack of sensation can lead to burns in extreme cases.


Incorrect use of the electric blanket will make it dangerous. It is important to follow the washing instructions of the manufacturer to avoid damage to the blanket. An electric blanket should not be ironed since it can melt the wires inside. In some cases, pinching or bunching up the blanket oftentimes lead to misuse which will surely put the individual at risk for the possible dangers.

Fire hazard

The electric cord that is connected to the electric blanket can be considered as a fire or shock hazard if it is damaged. It is advised not to place the cord in between the mattress and the box springs. Due to the friction, it will cause the cord to fray, thus increasing the risk for fire. Take note that the heat produced from the cord when covered by the mattress or other items will also increase the risk for fires. Additionally, pets who chew or claw on the wires poses as a shock hazard as well.

Electromagnetic fields

An electromagnetic field is produced around any object that utilizes electricity and this includes electric blankets. Take note that electric blankets usually produce extremely low frequency fields. It is believed that prolonged exposure to these fields can cause negative effects on the health including an increased risk for cancer.

Due to the closeness of the electric blanket to the body, the electromagnetic field can penetrate the body at hours at a time. Always bear in mind that the electromagnetic field can also trigger issues among pregnant women who regularly use electric blankets.

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